Before your business can begin operating as a limited company, it must be registered with the Registrar of Companies at the Companies House.
UK companies are governed by the Companies Act 2006 and will be either private companies or public companies.
We can discuss with you to identify which is the most beneficial form of Company structure for your trading objectives.
Our package includes everything you need legally start your business without any hidden costs.
This includes:
We can set up your company on same day or within 3 business days which depends on your business needs.
For prompt and helpful service that is always professional, give TAS Accountancy a call today, discuss your requirements and enable us to provide an outstanding service to suit your business need.
Companies House Update:
“Effective from 05 March 2024, it is mandatory for all companies to include a registered email address and affirm that their intended activities are compliant with the law within their Confirmation Statements.”